Guiding You Through Complex Family Matters

Having enough money to cover a child’s needs is essential when raising children. At Central Justice, our Orlando child support lawyers know how much these payments matter for kids. We are here to help parents with all aspects of child support, like setting new orders, changing existing orders, and enforcing overdue payments. 

Our legal team understands Florida’s child support laws in detail, including cases involving immigration issues that can complicate family matters. With caring guidance and skilled representation, we work hard to uphold your parental rights while securing the best situation for your children’s well-being.

How is Child Support Calculated?

Child support is governed by federal and state laws. State law governs how it is calculated, while federal law deals with enforcement. Some of the factors considered while determining child support are:

  • Salary and wages
  • Bonuses
  • Spousal support
  • Income taxes
  • Number of overnights expected with each parent

These are just a few of the relevant considerations when the court determines child support. The court will look at these—as well as other factors—to determine each parent’s net income. Other factors considered in determining child support are any special needs the child has, any medical issues, and the parent’s ability to cover these costs. 

Can Child Support Orders Be Changed?

Yes, a child support order can be changed under Florida law for a few different reasons. These include:

  • Substantial change: A change is substantial if the overnight parenting pattern is altered or if the change of support is at least 15% or $50, whichever is greater.
  • Permanent change: A permanent change is considered on a case-by-case basis. In most cases, it must have lasted at least six months.
  • Involuntary change: An involuntary change is a significant and material change that occurs without the parents’ fault. This could include layoffs, long-term illness, or other involuntary loss of income. 

Whatever the type of change, the parents must provide proof, and the court must approve it. 

Does My Immigration Status Impact How Child Support is Calculated?

Every parent is entitled to ask for child support from the court. Immigration status does not impact your ability to be asked for child support or ask the other parent for child support. 

However, if you are in violation of not paying child support, it could impact your eligibility to become a citizen. Generally, courts prefer to have all payments current. In this case, the court will take into account all circumstances that led to the defaulted support payments and make a final decision on whether it should be considered in a citizenship decision or not. 

Additionally, international agreements allow U.S. courts to enforce child support payments even if the parent owing support is in another country. Although not all countries are included in the international agreement, many are. 

Our Orlando Child Support Attorneys Can Help

When you need help with child support in the Orlando area, you can count on the lawyers at Central Justice. Our attorneys provide personalized legal counsel based on the specific details of your family’s situation. Our Orlando team understands how child support can relate to immigration laws for non-citizen parents. 

With compassionate guidance, we make sure you understand the entire legal process. At the same time, we aggressively protect your parental rights and pursue the best possible outcome for your children’s financial needs. From calculating fair support amounts to taking action over missed payments, our firm has the resources to resolve your child support issues properly.

Contact us today to schedule a private consultation. We’ll carefully explain how our child support lawyers in Orlando can assist you every step of the way. Getting skilled legal representation helps ensure your children receive the financial support they deserve.